This is a comprehensive guide for migrating your sales funnels, websites, courses, and other digital assets from ClickFunnels to HighLevel. The goal is to ensure a seamless transition, preserve functionality, and enhance your marketing capabilities with HighLevel’s advanced features.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you migrate all of the following components when switching over from ClickFunnels to HighLevel.

1. Courses & Products
2. Payment Integrations
3. Forms
4. Websites & Funnels
5. Store Funnels
6. Email Marketing
7. Contacts


Classic ClickFunnels Menu

ClickFunnels 2.0 Menu

By default, only Funnels, Products, Customers, and Marketing are available. Users can add more apps like Opportunities, Sites, Automation, Courses, and Store.

Migrate Courses

The Courses dashboard displays your existing courses, shows extra information about each course, and lets you make new courses. We will recreate course products in HighLevel.

Step 1: Document Course Structure

  • Log into ClickFunnels 2.0 and List Courses: Document each course in ClickFunnels, including the modules, lessons, and any associated content like quizzes or downloadable files.

  • Note Settings: Record settings such as course status (published, draft), member access, and customization options.

Step 2: Recreate Courses in HighLevel

Step 3: Post-Migration Check

  • Test Course Access: Ensure that users can access the course correctly, that content is displayed as intended, and that completion tracking works.

Migrate Products

Step 1: Export Products from ClickFunnels as a CSV

  • Log into ClickFunnels 2.0: Navigate to Products and use the checkboxes to select the products in the export.

  • Export Products: Click Actions or Bulk actions and select Export from the drop-down menu. Schedule the export in your timezone and click Export Products. Store this for safekeeping

Step 2: Import Products into HighLevel

Migrate Payment Integrations

Payments AI in ClickFunnels 2.0 is an integrated system that handles payments through multiple gateways, such as Stripe, PayPal, Klarna, and others. The integration needs to be created in HighLevel Payments.

Step 1: Access Payments AI

  • Document Payment Methods: Click on Payments on the bottom left side. In the top navigation bar, click Gateways to open the payment gateway management area.

Step 2: Connect HighLevel to your Preferred Payment Method

Migrate Websites & Funnels

In ClickFunnels, you build and manage sales funnels and websites using the Page Editor and Site Overview. These funnels and websites can be recreated in HighLevel. 

Step 1: Document Funnel & Website Details

  • List Funnels & Pages: In ClickFunnels, document each funnel and page, including the URL, structure, content, tracking codes, and any integrated forms or payment gateways.

  • Note Specific Settings: Record settings such as themes, style guides, custom CSS, and any additional configurations for each funnel or site.

Step 2:  Import Funnels from ClickFunnels

Rebuild Online Stores (E-commerce)

Store Funnels in ClickFunnels manage product sales and checkout processes. These funnels need to be recreated in HighLevel to maintain e-commerce functionality.

Step 1: Document Store Funnel Details

  • List Store Funnels: Document each store funnel in ClickFunnels, including product details, checkout pages, upsell/downsell pages, and payment integrations.

  • Record Product Settings: Ensure you have all product information, pricing, and any customizations recorded.

Step 2: Recreate Store Funnels in HighLevel

Step 3: Post-Migration Check

  • Test Purchase Flow: Perform a test purchase to ensure the checkout process works smoothly and all upsells/downsells are functioning correctly.

Migrate Email Marketing

ClickFunnels allows for basic email marketing through workflows and broadcasts. In HighLevel, these can be recreated with more advanced automation and multi-channel engagement options.

Step 1: Document Email Workflows & Broadcasts

  • List Workflows & Broadcasts: Document all email workflows and broadcasts in ClickFunnels, including triggers, email content, and timing.

  • Capture Email Templates: Save copies of all email templates used in ClickFunnels.

Step 2: Recreate Email Sequences in HighLevel

Migrate Contacts

ClickFunnels' Contact Profiles provide a view of each lead’s information, including their email address, tags, custom attributes, and actions within your funnels. Custom attiributes in ClickFunnels 2.0 are custom fields. ClickFunnels Contact Filtering allows users to filter contacts by applying various conditions, such as tags or product purchases.

Step 1: Export Contacts

  • Access Contacts in ClickFunnels 2.0: Click Customers from the left-hand main menu. Filter Contacts or check the box at the top of the table to select all Contacts on the current page.

  • Export to CSV: Check the box next to each field for the data you wish to export. Tip: Start with Email, Phone, Name, and Timezone

Step 2: Review Exported Data

  • Verify Data Integrity: Open the CSV files to ensure all necessary information has been captured accurately.

Step 3: Bulk Import Contacts into HighLevel

Additional Considerations

Step 1: Training and Support

Step 2: Ongoing Monitoring