This guide provides detailed instructions for migrating from Keap to HighLevel, covering the transfer of contacts, custom fields, automations, landing pages, and other essential assets. The goal is to ensure a seamless transition while maximizing the functionality offered by HighLevel.


Prepare for Migration

Step 1: Review Current Keap Setup

  • Identify Key Assets: List all critical assets in Keap, including contacts, custom fields, pipelines, automations, and landing pages.

  • Document Workflows: Note down all automation sequences, campaigns, and other workflows that are essential for ongoing operations.

  • Evaluate Data Volume: Assess the amount of data (contacts, custom fields, automations) that needs to be migrated.

Step 2: Define Migration Objectives

  • Set Clear Goals: Identify the key reasons for migrating to HighLevel, such as enhanced automation capabilities, integrated CRM, or improved pricing.

  • Prioritize Critical Features: Focus on migrating the most critical features first to ensure uninterrupted operations.

Step 3: Prepare Backup

  • Export Data from Keap: Export all necessary data, including contact lists, custom fields, and automation sequences.

  • Backup Data: Ensure all exported data is securely backed up before starting the migration process.

Migrate Contacts & Custom Fields

Step 1: Export Data from Keap

  • Export Contacts:
    • Navigate to Contacts > People in Keap.
    • Select the contacts you want to export or use the Select All option.
    • Click Export and choose to download the contact data as a CSV file.
    • For large exports (over 1,000 contacts), enter your email address to receive a download link from Keap.

  • Export Custom Fields: Document or export all custom fields associated with contacts and companies. Note that custom fields need to be recreated manually in HighLevel.

  • Document Automation Rules: Record all automation sequences, triggers, and actions by taking screenshots or documenting them manually.

Step 2: Import Data into HighLevel

  • Import Contacts:
    • In HighLevel, go to Contacts > Import Contacts and upload the CSV file exported from Keap.
    • Map the custom fields from Keap to HighLevel during the import process.

  • Recreate Custom Fields:
    • Navigate to Settings > Custom Fields in HighLevel.
    • Recreate each custom field from Keap, ensuring to match the field types appropriately.

  • Recreate Tags: In HighLevel, manually create any tags used in Keap to ensure accurate contact segmentation.

Migrate Pipelines and Deals

Step 1: Review Existing Pipelines in Keap

  • List Active Pipelines: Identify all active pipelines in Keap, including the stages and associated deals.

  • Document Deal Information: Note down all key details associated with each deal, such as deal value, stage, and associated contacts.

Step 2: Recreate Pipelines in HighLevel

  • Set Up Pipelines:
    • Navigate to Opportunities > Pipelines in HighLevel.
    • Create pipelines that correspond to those in Keap, adding the same stages and settings.

  • Manually Transfer Deals: Recreate each deal in HighLevel by manually entering the deal information, ensuring to match the deal stage and contact association.

Migrate Automations and Campaigns

Step 1: Review Existing Automations in Keap

  • List Active Automations: Identify all active automations, including email sequences, tags, and triggers.

  • Document Automation Flows: Take detailed notes or screenshots of each automation flow to facilitate recreation in HighLevel.

Step 2: Recreate Automations in HighLevel

  • Build New Workflows:
    • Go to Automation > Workflows in HighLevel.
    • Recreate the automations from Keap, using HighLevel’s triggers, conditions, and actions to achieve similar results.

  • Test Workflows: Test all recreated workflows thoroughly to ensure they function correctly, making any necessary adjustments.

Migrate Landing Pages and Forms

Step 1: Recreate Landing Pages in HighLevel

  • Rebuild Landing Pages: Use HighLevel’s Funnel & Website Builder to recreate landing pages from Keap. Ensure that the design and content closely match the original Keap landing pages.

  • Add Forms: Embed forms into landing pages as required, ensuring they capture the necessary lead information and trigger the correct tags or automations.

Step 2: Customize Forms

  • Recreate Public Forms:
    • In HighLevel, navigate to Funnels & Websites > Forms and recreate the public forms from Keap.
    • Customize the form fields and settings to match those used in Keap.

  • Configure Form Actions: Ensure that form submissions in HighLevel trigger the correct tags and workflows, similar to the setup in Keap.

Migrate Appointments and Calendars

Step 1: Review Existing Appointments in Keap

  • List Active Appointment Types: Identify all existing appointment types and associated settings, including reminders and integrations.

  • Document Appointment Settings: Note down all key settings related to each appointment type, such as duration, availability, and reminders.

Step 2: Recreate Appointment Types in HighLevel

  • Set Up Appointment Types:
    • Navigate to Calendars > Appointment Types in HighLevel.
    • Recreate each appointment type from Keap, including all relevant settings like duration, location (Zoom integration), and availability.

  • Integrate External Calendars: Integrate Google or Outlook calendars with HighLevel to ensure all appointments are synced and conflicts are avoided.

Final Checks and Training

Step 1: Perform Final Data Validation

  • Cross-Check Data: Verify that all data has been successfully migrated, including contacts, pipelines, automations, and landing pages.

  • Validate Workflows: Ensure that all workflows and automations are operational in HighLevel.

Step 2: Train Team Members

  • HighLevel Training: Provide necessary training to your team on using HighLevel’s CRM, automation, and appointment management tools.

  • Leverage Support Resources: Encourage your team to utilize HighLevel’s support resources for ongoing learning and troubleshooting.

Step 3: Monitor and Optimize

  • Monitor Performance: Continuously monitor the performance of your HighLevel setup, making adjustments as needed to optimize operations.

  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly review your setup to ensure it meets your evolving business needs.

Decommissioning Keap

Step 1: Transition Period

  • Run in Parallel: Consider running both Keap and HighLevel in parallel during the transition to ensure no disruptions in operations.

  • Gradual Phase-Out: Slowly reduce reliance on Keap as you become more comfortable with HighLevel.

Step 2: Cancel Keap Subscription

  • Final Data Backup: Ensure that all necessary data is securely backed up before canceling your Keap subscription.

  • Official Cancellation: Follow Keap’s process to cancel your subscription and terminate any associated services.

Step 3: Post-Migration Review

  • Review Success: Evaluate the success of the migration, documenting any challenges faced and lessons learned.

  • Ongoing Monitoring: Keep an eye on your HighLevel setup post-migration to catch and resolve any issues promptly.