If you use Twilio and not LC phone directly, you need to setup webhooks to be able to receive incoming calls, messages and call status updates. In this article, we will help you learn how to do that in your Twilio console.

Why should we setup webhooks?

For you to receive calls, messages or status updates on our platform, Twilio needs to communicate with our system: send the incoming call, message or status update to us. Webhooks allow us to do that.

Please follow the below steps to setup webhooks on Twilio (for incoming calls, incoming messages and call status updates):

Step 1: Login to your Twilio account and click on the URL to view phone numbers:

Step 2: Click on a phone number to edit the configuration


Step 3: Set the Routing region to ‘US1’ if not done already. 

Step 4: Under 'Voice Configuration' set it to:

Step 5: Under 'Messaging Service' set it to Routing region to ‘US1’ if not done already.  

Step 6: Messaging service: No input/change needed 

Frequently Asked Questions

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