Marketplace Workflow Actions are the customizable workflow actions managed in Marketplace. You will be able to create custom actions to push or pull data from your application/API in a workflow using customized fields and API endpoint.

Sign up/ Sign in to Marketplace to manage Marketplace Workflow Actions.

Marketplace Workflow Actions are part of LC Premium Triggers & Actions and are chargeable per execution.

How to enable and rebill LC Premium Triggers & Actions for Workflows?

You should enable Workflow LC Premium Triggers & Actions for the sub-account to access the Actions created in the Marketplace App.

The marketplace workflow actions created in an APP will be listed in the workflow actions only if the sub-account has the APP installed/integrated from the Marketplace.


Covered in this Article

Create Action


Enter Action Name


A unique identifier for this action, used to reference the action inside the workflow. This value cannot be changed later. Example: {{}}

Action Information

Add action details


Choose an Icon for this Action. Shown in workflow for this action.


Custom Action Name


A unique identifier for this action, used to reference the action inside the workflow, Ex: {{action_a.custom_variable}}. This value cannot be changed later.

Short description

A short description explaining what your action does to help users understand. Shown in workflow as sub-title for this action.


A detailed information on what your action does to help users understand why they should use this action.

Action Configuration

Manage Fields

Construct form to collect the data required for sending to API

Create New Field


Enter Field Name


Select one of the following field types:


Enable if this is a required field in workflow.


Enter unique reference key. The value of this field will be bind to the provided key. Example: action_a_name

Default Value

Enter or map a value. The value provided will be used as default value for this field when loaded in workflow.

Alters Dynamic Field

If enabled, any changes made to this field value will trigger/ re-trigger loading the dynamic fields to the workflow action configuration UI.

Type: Select / Multi Select / Radio

Option Type is applicable only for Select, Multi Select and Radio field types.

Select one of the following option types:

  • Constants
  • Internal Reference
  • External API


Load options by adding custom Label-Value constants

Internal Reference

Load options from HighLevel Internal Modules. Select one of the HighLevel Modules to load options list.

Supported HighLevel Modules

External API

Load option from external API endpoint


Provide a URL to support GET method and send a valid response as per the sample response structure shared below.


Add headers as per your requirement

Sample Response Data

"options": [
"label": "Afghanistan",
"value": "AF"
"label": "Ă…land Islands",
"value": "AX"
"label": "Albania",
"value": "AL"
"label": "Algeria",
"value": "DZ"
"label": "American Samoa",
"value": "AS"

Type: Hidden

It will be hidden in the action configuration and the mapped data will be sent in the payload. Used to collect essential information such as company_id, customerid, etc,. from system data or from your custom triggers

Type: Dynamic

Dynamic fields are used to build custom fields from an API call. The API call should return the below response structure to construct the fields in the Workflow action configuration form UI. Only one Dynamic type can be created per action.


Enter your API endpoint URL. When executed data is sent to this API endpoint via POST method in the below mentioned payload format and a valid response is expected as per the sample response structure shared below.


Add headers as per your requirement

Sample Payload:
The form data is sent as payload to the dynamic field API

"data": {
"name": "John Doe",
"age": "29",
"gender": "male",
"hobbies": ["sports", "music"],
"address": "My Address",
"country": "US",
"profileType": "public",
"dataShare": true,
"tems": true,
"extras": {
"locationId": "xyz",
"contactId": "abc",
"workflowId": "def"
"meta": {
"key": "custom_action_key",
"version": "1.0",

Sample Response Structure: 
Sections are used to group the fields in UI

"inputs": [
"section": "Personal Info",
"fields": [
"field": "name",
"title": "Name",
"fieldType": "string",
"required": true
"field": "age",
"title": "Age",
"fieldType": "numerical",
"required": true
"field": "gender",
"title": "Gender",
"fieldType": "select",
"required": true,
"options": [
"label": "Male",
"value": "male"
"label": "Female",
"value": "female"
"section": "Location Info",
"fields": [
"field": "village",
"title": "Village",
"fieldType": "string",
"required": true
"field": "city",
"title": "City",
"fieldType": "string",
"required": true
"field": "fullAddress",
"title": "Your Full Address",
"fieldType": "textarea",
"required": true

Sample structure for each Field Types


"field": "name",
"title": "Name",
"fieldType": "string",
"required": true


"field": "name",
"title": "Name",
"fieldType": "numeric",
"required": true


"field": "description",
"title": "Description",
"fieldType": "textarea",
"required": true


"field": "gender",
"title": "Gender",
"fieldType": "select",
"required": true,
"options": [
"label": "Male",
"value": "male"
"label": "Female",
"value": "female"

Multiple Select

"field": "hobbies",
"title": "Hobbies",
"fieldType": "multiselect",
"required": true,
"options": [
"label": "Sport",
"value": "sport"
"label": "Music",
"value": "music"


"field": "profileType",
"title": "Profile Type",
"fieldType": "radio",
"required": true,
"options": [
"label": "Public",
"value": "public"
"label": "Private",
"value": "private"


"field": "dataShare",
"title": "Allow my data to be stored",
"fieldType": "toggle",
"required": true


"field": "terms",
"title": "Terms & conditions",
"fieldType": "checkbox",
"required": true

Send Data

Send action data to your API endpoint


Enter your API endpoint URL. When this action is executed data is sent to this API endpoint via POST method in the below mentioned payload format.


Add required header data that has to be included while sending data to the API endpoint

Sample Payload:
The form data is sent as payload to the Send Data URL

"data": {
"name": "John Doe",
"age": "29",
"gender": "male",
"hobbies": ["sports", "music"],
"address": "My Address",
"country": "US",
"profileType": "public",
"dataShare": true,
"tems": true,
"extras": {
"locationId": "xyz",
"contactId": "abc",
"workflowId": "def"
"meta": {
"key": "custom_action_key",
"version": "1.0",

Response Data

Add sample response data to configure custom variables.

Add sample response

Enter a valid sample response JSON structure that will be sent as a response to the Send Data API endpoint.

Manage Custom Variables

Add Custom variables using sample response data, for users to use in workflows

Add Custom Variable


Enter label name


Select a reference key from the sample response saved to Response Data.

Submit for Review

The action version will be in draft state by default. After updating the action information and configuration the action version should be submitted for review.

Click on Submit for review and add required changelog information for the submitted version.

Once approved the version submitted for review will be published live to all Sub-accounts.

Create New Version

Click on  + New Version to create a new version for the action

On clicking + New Version It will create a new draft version with all the previously published data prefilled.

Delete Action

Once an Action is deleted, it will be deleted permanently and cannot be restored. The deleted action will be removed from Marketplace App and Workflow Action list. If a deleted action is part of any workflow the action execution will be skipped.

Enter action name to confirm delete